In a world full of sin and depression, the first thing we ought to do is to take comfort in Jesus Christ. He is our True Peace. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4 Here are examples of hymns … [Read more...]
Psalm 67: The Lord Bless Us
Psalm 67: The Lord bless us and cause His face to shine upon us. May His name be known, and may salvation extend to all nations. Psalm 67 God be gracious to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, Selah; that Thy way may be known on the earth, Thy salvation among all nations. Let the peoples praise … [Read more...]
The Tomb is Still Empty
May we all feel and display the exuberance these little ones show for our Lord Jesus! Have a Blessed Easter. The tomb is still empty! "Hey Levi, the Easter story is amazing." "Yeah, I especially love the ending." "Do you want to tell the story?" "Sure!" It goes like this: Jerusalem was a happening place. The … [Read more...]
God Will Finish His Work
Sometimes we despair of our sinful state, but God will finish His work in us. Puritan Richard Sibbes assure us of this in Glorious Freedom. The following thoughts are stolen from Refreshment for the Soul, compiled and edited by David B. MacKinnon. Longing for revival I remember attending Catholic school and going … [Read more...]
Adolph Saphir on Christ and His Return
Adolph Saphir expressed some encouraging thoughts about Christ's return in the book The Hidden Life: Thoughts on Communion with God. On The Hidden Life The Hidden Life isn't a well-known book today. It's also a classic example of a book I bought many years ago; gave it a cursory look and placed it on the book … [Read more...]
From Morning to Night
From morning to night: a prayer by George Swinnock, taken from Tim Chester's book, Into His Presence: Praying with the Puritans. The Puritans were great pray-ers. Their prayers were full of doxology and deep theology. Swinnock's is a good example of this. For more, I recommend Chester's book. You can get it … [Read more...]
Praise the Lord for His Righteousness
A call to praise the Lord for His righteousness - for He is coming to judge the earth and the peoples with equity! In worrying times of pandemics and violence, this Psalm is both prophetic and comforting... The King is coming! Psalm 98 Oh, sing to the LORD a new song! For He has done marvelous things; His … [Read more...]
Open the Well of Life
Open the Well of Life - a prayer by Isaac Ambrose. The following prayer may be found the book, Into His Presence -Praying with the Puritans, by Tim Chester. Often we get very despondent about sin in our lives. We recognize that we're sinners and cry out to God. This prayer may be of help. It's comforting to me that … [Read more...]
Trinitarian Praise and Worship
Below are a few older hymns of Trinitarian praise and worship. These have been selected from Spurgeon's Own Hymn Book. Our salvation and access to God's throne is a work of the Triune God. We ought to keep in mind the Trinity in both our worship and prayer. The following article from 9Marks is helpful regarding the … [Read more...]
Hymns for those Times of Affliction
Below are three old hymns for those times of affliction. They are taken from Charles Spurgeon's Own Hymn Book. "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33 It seems the older I get the more I see … [Read more...]