Christian counseling change therapy – Below is a video discussion about therapy for gays, lesbians and transgenders. What are the issues surrounding conversion? The pod cast is hosted by Jon Harris of Conversations that Matter. His guests are Rosaria Butterfield and Dr. Andre Van Mol.
The guests
I know next to nothing about Van Mol. However, he wrote an interesting article for Public Discourse in 2018: Transgenderism: A State-Sponsored Religion?
Rosaria Butterfield wrote a book called “The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert” which I reviewed HERE. I noted that,
Rosaria was once a lesbian activist in a lesbian relationship. She was a highly educated, intelligent woman who declared herself a lesbian at 28 years of age, at the finish of her PhD in English Literature and Cultural Studies. She was also a high-profile secular feminist professor at a University, who counseled students and championed gay and lesbian issues. She enjoyed lecturing and writing for these causes and had made herself a prominent name in that community. Her entire lifestyle was steeped in the gay and lesbian community where she both supplied, and derived, immense support…It’s very important to consider these facts in light of her story.
But God called Butterfield away from that lifestyle and gave her the courage to break away from that world.
A retraction
“Conversion Therapy” is a complex and controversial issue. Butterfield wrote an article which appeared on The Gospel Coalition website expressing concerns about the process. But the same humble willingness to admit error caused her to draft a retraction on her website once further information came to light.
A snippet from Butterfield’s retraction,
…I falsely believed that Reparative Therapy and Conversion Therapy were the same things and that they harmed people by making undeliverable promises and blaming parents for their children’s problems. I falsely believed that the darkest days of mental health—think “electroshock therapy”—fell under the umbrella term “conversion therapy.” When I dismissed Reparative Therapy as harmful, I was running roughshod with overgeneralizations and failing to distinguish “hurt” from “harm.”
Personal thoughts
It grieves me that this world strives to allow the murder of the pre-born at the whim of its would-be parents. Then, after birth, children are subjected to predatory-grooming environments, and even encouraged to question their gender and contemplate self- mutilation. Moreover, the current US administration and main-stream social media is on board!
Christians need to think over these issues and pray about them. I found the discussion helpful.
The video
Jon Harris, Rosaria Butterfield and Dr. Andre Van Mol discuss how Christians should think about what is commonly referred to as “reparative therapy.”
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