Christian News Weekly Recap April 2-7, 2018
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday April 2, 2018
Google Snubs Easter for 18th Year in a Row
Researchers Create Life-Sized Replica of Jesus Based on Shroud of Turin
Undercover Videos Alleging Sale of Aborted Baby Parts Can’t Be Released: Supreme Court
Seeds of division and confusion in China as Vatican deal looms
Tuesday April 3, 2018
5 Countries Where Christians Celebrated Easter Despite Persecution
Parents Outraged Over ‘Graphic’ Sex Ed Plan ‘Sit Out’
ISIS ‘Covert Unit’ Murders Pakistani Christian Family on Easter Monday, Praises ‘Allah’
Wednesday April 4, 2018
Facebook Rejects Ad Depicting Crucifixion of Christ
Catholic Employers Win Lawsuit Against HHS Birth Control Mandate; Avoid $6.9 Million in Fines
Beijing insists on control over religion, dampening chances of China-Vatican deal
How Lecrae Is Continuing Dr. MLK’s Fight for Racial Justice: ‘Blessed Are the Persecuted’
Thursday April 5, 2018
Meet the Army of Christians Sneaking the Gospel into North Korea
China pulls Bibles from online retailers as it steps up control over religion
College Bashes ‘Christian Privilege’ Teaching Students that Christians Have It Easy
Friday April 6, 2018
Hamas Vows ‘Millions of Martyrs’ and Cash for Injuries and Deaths in New Gaza Border Clashes
Christian woman kidnapped by ISIS reunited with father after three years
Frustrated parents to pull kids out of school for a day as part of grassroots ‘sex ed sit out’
Saturday April 7, 2018
Most Pastors Say Their Churches Never Discipline Members for Sinful Misconduct, Survey Finds
China Pledges to Protect Religious Freedom, Days after Bible Ban
Christian women in the U.S. are more religious than their male counterparts
#Hellgate: Cardinal Burke accuses Pope Francis of ‘increasing confusion’ over Church teaching
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