Christian News Weekly Recap April 3 – 8, 2017
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday April 3, 2017
China: Raids on House Churches Continue in Crackdown on Christianity
ISIS Says Russia Bombing ‘a Metro to Hell for the Worshipers of the Cross’
UK Buses to Display Bible Verses during Easter
Reprimand of Air Force colonel sparks protest
Tuesday April 4, 2017
Discovery of 3,000-Year-Old Donkey Dung Validates Biblical Account of King Solomon
‘Voice of Hope’ to Broadcast from Israel
Trump Defunds UN Population Fund Tied to Forced Abortions; Pro-Lifers Elated
Christians in Iraq to embark on 80-mile ‘peace walk’ across the war-torn country in Holy Week
Wednesday April 5, 2017
Cadbury Takes ‘Easter’ out of Annual Easter Egg Hunt Ad
Spanish police claims the right not to attend religious parades
Norway Evangelicals Withdrawing From Franklin Graham Festival Because of Trump Support?
Syrian Chemical ‘Massacre’ Evokes Holocaust Horrors for Israeli Leaders
Thursday April 6, 2017
Deep political crisis in Paraguay worries evangelical Christians
Muslim Births Projected to Outnumber Christian Births Globally by 2035
Mob kills Christian elder at Evangelical School of Sudan
Friday April 7, 2017
Moroccan Christians organise themselves to defend their rights
USCIRF to Launch Extensive List of People Imprisoned for Their Faith Worldwide
Russia: the impact of terror, a ministry’s response
The Case for Christ: Story of Atheist-Turned-Christian Hits Big Screen
Saturday April 8, 2017
Federal Court’s Redefinition of ‘Sex’ Could Have Wide Ripple Effects
Americans Identifying as ‘Spiritual but Not Religious?’: Barna Study
Missions, Muslims, and the Jesus Film in The Gambia
The Case for Christ: Story of Atheist-Turned-Christian Hits Big Screen
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