Christian News Weekly Recap April 6 – 11, 2020
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday April 6, 2020
Dozens of churches granted legal status in Egypt
Greg Laurie’s Palm Sunday webcast draws 1.3M viewers
Churches Prepare for First Digital Easter – as Part of 2020 ‘New Normal’
Tuesday April 7, 2020
Christians asked to pray for Boris Johnson as he battles coronavirus in intensive care
Church Locked Out of Building for Violating Stay at Home Order Takes Legal Action
Samaritan’s Purse partnering with St. John the Divine Cathedral on second field hospital in NYC
‘Serving our Community:’ Calif. Church Repairs 300,000 N95 Masks for Medical Workers
Wednesday April 8, 2020
8 in 10 Pastors Say Current Events Are a Sign of Jesus’ Return
Oklahoma Church Helps Feed over 50,000 Families in Need
Easter Will Look Different in Jerusalem, but the Gospel Message Remains the Same
Coronavirus is making people more open to the Gospel than ever – Nicky Gumbel
Thursday April 9, 2020
Ark Encounter Is Illuminated by Green Lights to Honor Kentucky Coronavirus Victims
A Dozen VA Churches Find Unique Way to Declare ‘He Is Risen’ This Easter
Chick-fil-A Beats Starbucks as Favorite Restaurant among Teens, Survey Shows
GOP lawmakers in Kansas overturn gov.’s restrictions on church gatherings
Friday April 10, 2020
Pastor, 10-Year-Old Boy and Two Other Christians Killed in Plateau State, Nigeria
60-Year-Old Coronavirus Survivor Says God Spared Her Life
Coronavirus claims at least 7 more veteran pastors, leaving churches to celebrate Easter in mourning
Saturday April 11, 2020
In Jerusalem, Christians mark a somber Easter
States decide whether to allow drive-in church services on Easter Sunday
Prison Fellowship to reach more prisoners than ever before with online Easter service
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