Christian News Weekly Recap Aug 16 – 21, 2021
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday Aug 16, 2021
‘Pray for the Christians in Afghanistan’: Taliban Takeover Puts Church in Peril
Dixie Fire Destroys Prominent Christian Summer Bible Camp in California
Christian Teacher Who Quit Over ‘Equity’ Policies Says Her Courage Came ‘By the Grace of God’
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Atheist defends Christian evangelist amid arrest for publicly preaching on homosexuality
How blasphemy laws are choking religious freedom and why the West should care
Christian Pastors in Afghanistan Issue Urgent Request
Christian Teachers Sue District over Transgender Policy: We ‘Want to Protect Children’ from Harm
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Byzantine-Era Gold Coin Depicting Jesus’ Crucifixion Unearthed in Israel
‘Abject failure,’ ‘shameful afront’: Christian leaders react to Taliban takeover in Afghanistan
Christian U.K. MP Urges Prime Minister Boris Johnson to Evacuate Missionaries from Afghanistan
Pastor’s son killed as he tried to stop church being demolished
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Christian leaders share how believers should pray for Afghanistan
Canadian Congregation Raises over $700,000 to Rebuild Church following Arson Attack
Al Mohler says Pres. Biden, media downplaying the Taliban’s Islamic theology
Calls for urgent release of Christian citizen journalist critically ill on hunger strike
Friday Aug 20, 2021
UK churches ‘stand ready’ to welcome Afghan refugees
Uganda: Father murders son for refusing to forsake his faith in Jesus
Christian Organization in Haiti Calls for Prayer as Death Toll Tops 2,100
The Taliban Are Killing Christians Who Have Bibles on Their Phones
Saturday Aug 21, 2021
Nonprofit working to bring Afghan Christian family to safety
2 Catholic nuns shot, killed in one of the world’s deadliest places
We rescued children from the Taliban and fear there are many more to come
Oregon Megachurch Pastor Ben Courson Steps Down Following Sexual Misconduct Allegations
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