Christian News Weekly Recap August 1 – August 6, 2016
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday August 1, 2016
NGO No-Go: More Countries Make Christian Charity Harder to Give and Receive
Global Student Prayer Week 2016 #SYATP: ‘See You At The Pole’ to Cry Out to Christ
Christians’ Future Uncertain as Islam Tightens Its Grip on Turkey
Tuesday August 2, 2016
Theresa May and sharia law: What does the new Prime Minister mean for Islamic courts in the UK?
Turkish Church’s witness amidst shifting tides
‘After School Satan Clubs’ modeled after ‘Good News Clubs’ plan public school launch
East Asia, world in reach of small-town church
Wednesday August 3, 2016
Christian Pastor With ‘Unwavering Faith in Jesus’ Brutally Murdered in India by 100s of Rebels
Noah’s Ark mosaic uncovered in ancient Galilee synagogue
Best Christian Workplaces Institute announces 2016 honorees
TWR360 – Website platform spreads the Good News in over 45 languages
Thursday August 4, 2016
New Boko Haram Leader Instructs Followers to Focus on Killing Christians
China: Leader of Underground Church is Jailed
6 Things to Know about ‘Satan Clubs’ in Public Schools
Museum of the Bible and YouVersion App Offer Unprecedented Bible Experience
Friday August 5, 2016
World Vision Chief Charged With Funding Hamas
Netanyahu: Video of Palestinian father asking soldiers to shoot son shook ‘me to the core’
Chile: Church Burned Down, Adding to Growing Number of Targeted Churches
Olympics: U.S. diver abandons chase of fame, pursues Christ
Saturday August 6, 2016
Meet the Rio Olympians Who Put God Before Gold
Moroccan Christians Risk Persecution with YouTube Testimonies
1,000 Millennial Leaders Gather In Indonesia to Stand For Truth
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