Christian News Weekly Recap August 15 – August 20, 2016
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday August 15, 2016
Chibok girls shown in Aug. 14 Boko Haram video
Christian club wins free speech fight at N.C. State
Church in Indonesia Continues to Stand Firm in Faith Despite Death Threats from Muslim Extremists
Tuesday August 16, 2016
Marine’s religious liberty claim denied
The Promised Law: Christians Wait for Egypt to Authorize New Churches
Second Temple-era synagogue unearthed in northern Israel
Christian persecution intensifies in DRC as 36 tied up and hacked to death
Wednesday August 17, 2016
3,202 decisions for Christ reported in Brazil
Hundreds of Muslim Refugees Who Converted to Christianity Hoping to Return Home and Spread Gospel
From drug addiction to Rio 2016: Australian swimmer Dan Smith on how faith in God changed his life
Christians Return to Rebuild Lives in Communities Liberated from Boko Haram
Thursday August 18, 2016
Synagogue discovered from Jesus’ time confirms accuracy of New Testament, says archaeologist
Christian Missionaries Risk Lives to Help Refugee Children Traumatized by ISIS
Evidence of Catastrophic Biblical Flood Found in China?
Gold medalist Brianna Rollins: I want to be known as ‘the athlete who glorified God’
Friday August 19, 2016
Judge Says Christian Funeral Home Had Religious Right to Fire Worker
Southern Africans Set to Test Anglican’s Ban on Same-Sex Unions
74% of worlds population lives with religious restrictions
Churches Offer Comfort, Aid to Flood-Ravaged Louisiana
Saturday August 20, 2016
Group demands removal of Bible from desk on Air Force base, punishment of Christian officer
Vietnam: 4,000 Christians Beaten by Police for Protesting Environmental Disaster
Putting the Fear of God in the Fashion Industry
Ancient Synagogue Confirms Bible’s Teachings About Jesus
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