Christian News Weekly Recap August 22 – August 27, 2016
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday August 22, 2016
Group demands removal of Bible from desk on Air Force base, punishment of Christian officer
Vietnam: 4,000 Christians Beaten by Police for Protesting Environmental Disaster
Putting the Fear of God in the Fashion Industry
Ancient Synagogue Confirms Bible’s Teachings About Jesus
Tuesday August 23, 2016
Christian persecution rising in India, report says
‘Incredible need’ in Louisiana met by incredible faith-based response
A Splintered Boko Haram Becomes an Even Greater Threat to Christians
Wednesday August 24, 2016
Christian persecution rising in India, report says
‘Incredible need’ in Louisiana met by incredible faith-based response
A Splintered Boko Haram Becomes an Even Greater Threat to Christians
Thursday August 25, 2016
Asia Bibi Blasphemy Case: Christian Mother Facing Last Chance to Overturn Death Sentence
‘God’s Not Dead 2’ billboard ban inspires companies to donate signs for FREE
Chinese Church Refuses to Obey Communist Govt’s Orders to Stop Meeting, Take Down Religious Signage
Friday August 26, 2016
Christian from the United States was fined in Russia for Gospel preaching
BOMBS AWAY: ‘Religious Freedom’ group unloads on USAF commander after he clears Bible on desk
Christians and Jews Join Together to Support Israel
Biblical Studies Professor Mocks the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ at Anti-Gun Rally
Saturday August 27, 2016
Sudan Pastors Charged for ‘Claiming Persecution of Christians’
Ancient Metal Artifacts Retrieved from Sea Near Holy Land
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