Christian News Weekly Recap Dec 11 – 16, 2023
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday Dec 11, 2023
Evangelical messages at Milei’s inauguration in Argentina
Denmark makes it illegal to burn the Quran or other religious texts
Notre-Dame to reopen in a year’s time, says Macron
Making evangelism a crime: Charity says ‘state-fuelled persecution’ on the rise in parts of India
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Nearly 8,000 Choose to Follow Jesus During Egyptian Outreach
‘God Preserved Us’: No Lives Lost After Tornado Hits Church with People Inside
Police urge London church to cancel carol services as 7,000 turn up after viral Tik-Tok video
Church of England’s same-sex prayers to be used from Sunday
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
FL School Committee Unanimously Votes to Keep Bible in Libraries
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds weighs in on state Capitol’s satanic display amid backlash
Calls for end to India’s anti-conversion laws after hundreds of Christians arrested
CofE bishops are ‘washing their hands of doctrine’ over same sex blessings says vicar
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
Chinese Christian persecution worst in 40 years
Supreme Court vindicates sacked Christian teacher who refused to use trans pronouns
Detransitioner Sues American Academy of Pediatrics for ‘Civil Conspiracy’ in Transgender Medicine
Bishop asks clergy not to use Church of England’s new same-sex prayers
Friday Dec 15, 2023
1,000-year-old coin depicting Jesus found in Norway
Christian veteran who toppled satanic statue in Iowa Capitol raises $20K in hours for legal fees
Catholic priest killed in break-in at rectory in Nebraska
Over 70% of Palestinians say Hamas was ‘correct’ to carry out Oct. 7 massacre in Israel
Saturday Dec 16, 2023
Christians ‘Significantly’ More Likely to Donate to Charities Than Non-Christians: Study
Americans Increasingly Defining Themselves as Spiritual Rather Than Religious: Pew Study
Christian mother of 5 released on bail after 19 months in Nigerian prison
High Court upholds criminalisation of prayer and Bible reading outside abortion clinic
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