Christian News Weekly Recap December 26 – December 31, 2016
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday December 26, 2016
Kentucky Governor Declares 2017 ‘Year of the Bible,’ Supports Statewide Bible Reading Marathon
The cost of preaching the Gospel in Southeast Asia
Tensions Rise Between the US and Israel Over UN Resolution Vote
The Christian Themes In 2016’s Biggest Movies
Tuesday December 27, 2016
Church Has More Martyrs Today Than in First Centuries
Laos Christians Exiled And Beaten For Their Faith
Obamacare Mandate Attacks Christian Doctors Over Transgenderism
Wednesday December 28, 2016
Study: Fastest Growing Churches Have Modern Worship, Teach Literal Bible Interpretation
Jesus Speaks to Islamist Militants Hunting Down Christians: ‘Why Do You Persecute Me?’
“Jesus guides my life”, Queen Elisabeth says in her Christmas message
Netanyahu Blasts Kerry’s Speech as Biased Against Israel
Thursday December 29, 2016
Top 10 Bible-Related Archaeological Discoveries of 2016
‘Museum of the Bible’ Slated to Open in Nation’s Capital November 2017
Netanyahu Fires Back, Rebukes Obama Administration
African pastors against prosperity theology
Friday December 30, 2016
Open Doors 2017 World Watch List Shows Troubling Trends for Christian Persecution
Germany to Exhibit Martin Luther’s 95 Theses
US Evangelical are more skeptical of evolution than of climate change, study says
Saturday December 31, 2016
90,000 Christians Killed in 2016, 1 Every 6 Minutes: Study
Planned Parenthood Asks Court to Stop Texas From Cutting Org From Medicaid Program
Kidnapped Priest Pleads for Help and Release in Video
The persecuted Church reflects on strength amidst trials
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