Christian News Weekly Recap Feb 25 – March 2, 2019
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Christian Leaders to Abbas: ‘Don’t Engage Churches in Political Quarrels’
Street Preacher Arrested in London for ‘Breach of the Peace’
US Religious Freedom Envoy: Pakistan Has ‘Desire to Change’
Ontario board will force elementary schools to fly homosexual ‘pride’ flag in June
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Covington lawsuit is necessary as Christian students across U.S. are persecuted for their beliefs
Killing of Christians Continues in Run-up to National Elections in Nigeria
Christians Deliver Refugee Babies in the Desert as Syrians Flee Last ISIS Stronghold
Benny Hinn’s nephew releasing book slamming prosperity gospel
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Christian persecution not just happening overseas — many in US targeted for their faith, too
Inmate freed thanks to Trump’s prison reform dedicates life to helping others
United Methodist Church gay marriage decision reveals deep fractures
Israeli Archaeologists Uncover 1,600-Year-Old Estate of Samaritan Man With Rare Inscription
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
United Methodists Vote to Retain Ban on Same-Sex ‘Weddings,’ Ordaining Practicing Homosexual Clergy
How evangelical-supported group has helped 750,000 Jews migrate to Israel
‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Gives Trump Gospel in Incredibly Creative Way
How Benham Brothers’ Dad Helped Lead Lesbian ‘Roe’ Abortion Activist to Christ
Friday March 1, 2019
Muslim Mobs Attack 10 Church Buildings in Ethiopia
French politician compares gay ‘marriage’ opponents to Muslim radical terrorists
Historic Istanbul church vandalised in graffiti attack
Gospel for Asia Reaches Settlement Ending 3-Year Legal Nightmare
Saturday March 2, 2019
Egyptian Christians Left With Nowhere To Pray But The Street
Reactions to United Methodist Church’s Vote Against Recognizing Gay Marriage Are Pouring In
Comedian Reveals What Led Him to Reject Atheism and Embrace God
At Least 32 Christians killed as mob burns homes, church in Nigeria
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