Christian News Weekly Recap Feb 4 – 9, 2019
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday Feb 4, 2019
50 million Chinese Christians persecuted, says Open Doors
Zaxby’s Super Bowl Ad Mocked Chick-fil-A for Closing Sundays and it Backfired
Venezuela crisis: Christian group providing emergency aid, food for starving
Anglicans churchgoers have ‘total lack of confidence’ in speaking about faith
Tuesday Feb 5, 2019
Almost half of practicing Christian millennials say evangelism is wrong
Does Nancy Pelosi’s Favorite Bible Verse Actually Appear in the Bible?
Bible believed to be 1,200-years-old discovered in Turkey
Gateway Church Seeing Revival, 500 Salvations at Its New Prison Church Campus
Wednesday Feb 6, 2019
Couple Barred from Foster Parenting Because They Won’t Deny the Bible
Canadian Evangelical School Adapts LGBTQ Rules, Says Donations, Enrollment Are up
University Trying to Force Christian Apologetics Club to Let Anti-Christian Students Lead Group
Thursday Feb 7, 2019
Christian group can bar gay student from leadership role, judge rules
Christian college should boldly defend conservative speakers, not capitulate to culture
Christian Comedian opens up about his battle with addiction and how it led him to God
‘Taking Church Right to the Gates of Hell’: Pastor Plants Church Outside Planned Parenthood
Friday Feb 8, 2019
Christian group wins religious freedom case against Univ of Iowa
Israeli Boy on School Trip Finds Ancient Coin Marked With Inscription ‘King Agrippa’
Portsmouth Univ delays Peter Hitchens talk over concerns about his views
Anne Graham Lotz Ends Cancer Treatment, Says She Believes God Has Healed Her
Saturday Feb 9, 2019
School cancels Darwin play after complaints from Christian parents
N. Korean Christians keep faith underground amid crackdowns
Millennials’ witness stymied by ‘faulty discipleship’
Brian Head Welch reveals why he returned to Korn as a Christian despite the ‘crazy’ music
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