Christian News Weekly Recap February 6 – February 11, 2017
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday February 6, 2017
In Kenya, a Pastor Fights Female Genital Mutilation with the Gospel
Mississippi Town Rallies After Complaint Results in Removal of Christian Flag
PRAYERS: Angry Mob Torments Man for Giving Away Bibles, Now He’s Clinging to Life
Luther’s witness to the primacy of biblical authority shapes our identity as evangelicals
Tuesday February 7, 2017
What is the Free Speech Fairness Act?
Majority of Democrats Consider Christianity as Violent as Islam
In Egypt, Christians Can Now Take Leave From Work To Go On Pilgrimage
Wednesday February 8, 2017
Nationwide Rallies Call to Defund Planned Parenthood
Nigerian Soldiers Prevent Suicide Attack, Save Life of Suicide Bomber
University Students Reject Conservative Group as ‘Unsafe,’ Against ‘Humanity’
Thursday February 9, 2017
Hebrew University Archaeologists Find 12th Dead Sea Scrolls Cave
ISIS Claims Responsibility for Rocket Attack on Israel
The transgender tsunami for Christians
Christians Have a Notable Presence at Sundance Film Festival
Friday February 10, 2017
Young Professionals Helping to Reach Central Asia for Christ
“Punch a Zionist Today,” McGill Student Representative Urges
Pastor Fired for Religious Beliefs Wins Big
CBS Making Sitcom Called ‘Living Biblically’
Saturday February 11, 2017
Earliest Surviving 10 Commandments Stone Sold
‘Not My Choice’: Pro-lifers Protest Having to Fund Planned Parenthood
Science And Faith Projects Get New Church Funding
31 Days of Compassion: eternal healing for women
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