Christian News Weekly Recap Jan 4 – 9, 2021
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday Jan 4, 2021
Democratic Rep. Ends House Prayer with ‘Amen and Awoman,’ Sparking Debate
Pakistani Christians Return Home after Death Threats over Christian Facebook Post
Sadie Robertson Huff: Gen Z ‘craving’ absolute truth, discipleship from older Christians
Tuesday Jan 5, 2021
Mass. high court to decide if evangelical college discriminated against pro-LGBT professor
God, not Christians, establishes His Kingdom: Kevin DeYoung
Churches close in Scotland but stay open in England as new national lockdowns begin
Wednesday Jan 6, 2021
Graham: Removal of Gendered Language ‘Shakes Fist’ at God
Marco Rubio Responds after CNN’s Chris Cuomo Mocks Him, Calls Him ‘Mr. Bible Boy’
Canadian Church Fined for Holding In-Person Worship Service
‘Mistakes have been made’ in handling of Ravi Zacharias allegations, says UK branch of RZIM
Thursday Jan 7, 2021
Christian Solidarity International Warns of Genocide of Armenian Christians in Azerbaijan
Christian Concern considering legal action over forced closure of churches in Scottish lockdown
Kidnapped Nigerian bishop recuperating after being freed
Friday Jan 8, 2021
Pastors Say Christians and the Church Can Thrive in Times of Uncertainty
Northern Ireland’s Church leaders suspend public worship over rising Covid cases
Campus preaching, Christian foster care: 4 cases that the US Supreme Court may impact in 2021
Saturday Jan 9, 2021
Pressure leads to Christian college president turnover, school heads say
3 Pakistani Christians charged with blasphemy, accused of burning Quran pages
Calls for churches to close as Covid numbers soar
Franklin Graham calls for Trump-Biden meeting to heal the nation
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