Christian News Weekly Recap July 12 – 17, 2021
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday July 12, 2021
Ark Encounter to Expand with ‘Tower of Babel’ Exhibit
Rise of the ‘nones,’ decline of ‘white Christian America’ slows in US, new survey shows
Nigeria: Christian schools ordered to close amid spate of kidnappings
Christian mother takes school to court over gay pride parade
Tuesday July 13, 2021
Israeli Archaeologists Uncover Rare ‘Jerubbaal’ Inscription from Time of Biblical Judges
Nearly 2K volunteer for evangelical church’s ‘Heart the City’ week of service in Ohio, Kentucky
Chip and Joanna Gaines on 18 Years of Marriage: Divorce Was Never an Option, ‘We’re in it Forever’
Wednesday July 14, 2021
Archaeologists Uncover First Temple-Era Segment of Jerusalem City Wall
Chinese Pastors Forced to Include Xi’s Speech in Sermons to Celebrate CCP’S Centennial
Fifth Circuit allows chaplain-led courtroom prayers to continue after being ruled unconstitutional
New Pastor-Led Documentary Highlights Gun Violence in Chicago
Thursday July 15, 2021
DeSantis Tells Christian Group: ‘Stand for What’s Right, Put on the Full Armor of God’
Report: Persecution of Indian Christians Unabated, 154 Acts Of Violence So Far This Year
California Pastor Using ‘Holy Hologram’ Delivers Sunday Sermon to Church in New Zealand
Christian school worker fired over sex ed and transgenderism Facebook posts can appeal
Friday July 16, 2021
At Least 45 Canadian Churches on Indigenous Land Are Attacked by Arsonists, Vandals
Church Files Suit after City Denies Permit for Addiction Recovery Home
Nigerian priest fears more persecution after Boko Haram leader’s death
Saturday July 17, 2021
How Indian media ‘categorically failed’ a murdered Christian teenager
An appeal from the wife of a detained Cuban pastor
University of Iowa wrongly discriminated against Christian student group: appeals court
Las Vegas Pastor Commends First Responders Who Saved His Life following Brutal Stabbing
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