Christian News Weekly Recap July 19 – 24, 2021
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday July 19, 2021
Pittsburgh Soccer Team Stops Selling Chick-fil-A So That Fans Can ‘Feel Welcome’
Blackpool Admits It Discriminated Against Franklin Graham
Actor Jon Voight Details an Encounter with God That Helped Him Get His Life Back on Track
Tuesday July 20, 2021
2 Georgia churches leave United Methodist Church over LGBT stance
Fourth ‘God’s Not Dead’ Movie to Spotlight Gov’t Interference in Homeschooling
Wednesday July 21, 2021
South African churches pray “for peace and calm” as the country recovers from mass unrest
Appeals court to review Vimeo’s ‘targeted’ deletion of ex-gay Christian’s account
The Amazing Way God Visited Asia Bibi in Prison and How She Has also Become a Voice of Hope
Cancel Culture Is Unbiblical and Could Be a Sign of the End Times, David Jeremiah Says
Thursday July 22, 2021
Thousands Gathering at ‘Heart of America’ to Pray for the Nation
Government expects to deliver on all persecution report recommendations by 2022
At least 3,400 Nigerian Christians killed, 3,000 abducted so far in 2021, NGO estimates
Friday July 23, 2021
This Extinct Tree from Time of Jesus was Revived from a 2,000-Year-Old Seed
More than 40% of black churchgoers want to keep hybrid church model in wake of pandemic: study
Judge rejects churches’ challenge to Virginia’s LGBT antidiscrimination law
Saturday July 24, 2021
Israeli Archaeologists Uncover Evidence of Gideon in Rare Inscription from Time of Biblical Judges
Christian street preacher wins case after being fined, prosecuted for evangelizing
Pastor in India forced to flee his home after enduring ‘merciless torture’ by police
Djibouti: How a young Christian convert chose a refugee camp over a life of luxury
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