Christian News Weekly Recap July 2 – 7, 2018
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday July 2, 2018
The “Star-Spangled Banner” in church? Some Christians are questioning the mix of patriotism and God
2.7K-yr. ‘miracle’ return: 30% of India’s ‘lost tribe’ back in Israel
Death Toll in Jos, Nigeria Attacks at 218, Including Pastor, Wife and Son
Tuesday July 3, 2018
Myanmar Bombs 60 Churches in 18 Months, Replaces Some With Buddhist Pagodas
Mass migration part of plan to water down Europe’s Christian identity
America Ups the Ante over Pastor Brunson’s Detention
Wednesday July 4, 2018
Episcopal Church Debates Whether to Make God Gender-Neutral in Book of Common Prayer
Christian adoption agencies in a spiritual battle
FOURTH OF JULY: They preserved our independence
Hobby Lobby Family and ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Deliver Powerful Message About Fame, Money and Power
Thursday July 5, 2018
Iraqi Christians Fearful That New Tax Signals Upcoming Persecution
No end in sight to Christians slaughtered by Fulani
Hostility to Religion Rising Globally, Christians Targeted in 144 Nations: Pew Study
Pro-life activist exposes Planned Parenthood’s strategy to go on aborting after Roe is overturned
Friday July 6, 2018
Mother Teresa’s Charity Accused of Selling Babies
New Law in Laos Threatens Christians’ Right to Meet
Prof fired by Catholic university for defending marriage has huge court win
Christian College Wins Legal Battle Against Obamacare Birth Control Mandate
Saturday July 7, 2018
Amazon bans, restores top reviewer for ‘bias’ after ‘Gospel’ rave
2 Families Survive Months in Mynamar Jungle, Cross Landmines Before Taking Refuge in Church
Facebook Restores Gospel Group’s Music Video, Why Others Could Still be Banned
Farmer Nearly Drowned, but God Intervened: ‘I Don’t Believe in Luck’
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