Christian News Weekly Recap July 27 – Aug 1, 2020
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday July 27, 2020
John MacArthur’s Church Defies Order to Close: ‘We Must Obey God Rather Than Men’
Chinese Christian Families Facing Separation and Relentless Persecution
Conservatives decry Supreme Court refusal to block Nev. restrictions on church gatherings
Hate crime law will have ‘detrimental effect on free speech’, warns Church
Tuesday July 28, 2020
U.K. Christian Ministry Loses Bank Accounts after Campaign by LGBT Critics
Authorities in China return to demolish Christians’ homes after razing church
U-turn on threat to church weddings in Northern Ireland
‘The Chosen’: Record-breaking TV series about Jesus to begin taping second season despite pandemic
Wednesday July 29, 2020
Anti-Christian Acts in France Up 285 Percent Since 2008, Observatory Says
1,300-Year-Old Church Unearthed in Israel near Site of Jesus’ Transfiguration
57 Percent of Churchgoers Say the Bible Is ‘Challenging’ When Reading on Their Own
N. Korean Christians facing starvation as regime bans cash aid to defectors’ families amid COVID-19
Thursday July 30, 2020
Uncovering the Mystery of Tisha B’av at the City of David
Pastor in Nepal Jailed for More Than Three Months Released on Bail
Disturbing Uptick in Violence Against Christians in India, 5 More Believers Killed for Their Faith
Christian filmmakers launch first-ever fan-owned faith-based movie studio: Called Higher Studios
Friday July 31, 2020
Pastor, Church Member Die for Proclaiming Christ in Eastern Uganda
Florida man sentenced to prison over Facebook threat to kill Christian group
Chinese Bishop Imprisoned for 40 Years May Be Dead; Congress Wants Answers
Saturday Aug 1, 2020
Islamic Extremists Massacre, Behead in Mozambique Reign of Terror
A church in Bristol hosts drive-in service in supermarket car park
Matthew West to Christians: ‘Take heart;’ singer hosts ‘healing’ concert at Museum of the Bible
Uganda: Pastor, church member beaten and drowned in retaliation for evangelizing Muslims
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