Christian News Weekly Recap July 30 – Aug 4, 2018
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday July 30, 2018
‘You Cannot Take Jesus Away From Us’: Iranian Christians Testify About Being Imprisoned for Christ
Church Demolished as Hindu Radicals Attempt to Create ‘Christian-Free’ Village in India
Jharkhand bishops react to crackdown against Christian NGOs, slam discrimination against Christians
Tuesday July 31, 2018
87 organizations honored as ‘Certified Best Christian Workplaces’
New Bible Survey Reveals Christians’ Bible Reading Habits
FBI Ties to Leftist Southern Poverty Law Center Casts Cloud over ‘Religious Liberty Task Force’
Australian diocese document calls for ‘inclusive church’ of ‘LGBT people,’ ‘women chaplains’
Wednesday Aug 1, 2018
35 Christians Freed in Eritrea
Egyptian Pastor Details How He Was Tortured for Christ, Used Jet Ski to Escape
Bethel Church Asks for Prayers as Wildfires Rage in California
Turkey calls Andrew Brunson ‘Spy Priest’ Vows Never to Bow to US ‘Evangelist, Zionist Mentality’
Thursday Aug 2, 2018
Saudi Arabia may relax its ban on Christian churches
‘Case for Christ’ wins Best Picture at Christian visual media awards
Black Pastors Pray with Trump in White House; John Gray and Harry Jackson Respond to Critics
Friday Aug 3, 2018
Rare Newly Discovered Bible ‘Bears Witness’ to Critical Part of Christian History
Catholic group asks bishop to disinvite pro-LGBT priest from World Meeting of Families
Saturday Aug 4, 2018
Golf Balls With Christian Messages Pop up at Golf Courses
Three Christian Ministry Partners Arrested in India
Thousands of British churches turn ‘green’
‘Doctrinal error’: Catholics react to Pope Francis’ new teaching against death penalty
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