Christian News Weekly Recap July 4 – July 9, 2016
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday July 4, 2016
Hobby Lobby ad celebrates America in July 4th ad
A fast for religious freedom proclaimed in Russia and Ukraine
Life changed through SAT-7 Christian television programming
Tuesday July 5, 2016
ChristianMingle Dating Site Forced to Provide Service to Gay and Lesbian Community Following Lawsuit
Cuban disciples make disciples in Ecuador
Christian Teacher Fired for Not Divorcing Husband Wins in British Court
Chewbacca mom sparks joy at July 4 celebration with ‘God Bless America’
Wednesday July 6, 2016
100 million Christians in over 60 countries are being persecuted for their faith
Ravi Zacharias: America is Killing Itself Morally, Suffering From ‘Deadly’ Deep Crisis of the Soul
Churches Fight Iowa’s Bid to Silence Biblical Teaching on Sexuality
Sports film seeks 1 Corinthians 10:31 movement
Thursday July 7, 2016
Court deals blow to Christian law school
Replica of Noah’s Ark opens to public
Iowa Churches Can’t Discriminate During Services ‘Open to the Public’
Technology multiplies Bible translation efforts in Papua New Guinea
Friday July 8, 2016
Violence brings cry for ‘true way of our Lord’
5 important deep Spiritual truths we’ve learned from Euro 2016
Jordan: No more religion on ID cards
Rodeo Service Draws 15,000 to Nashville Church Where 100 People Gave Lives to Christ
Saturday July 9, 2016
Iowa Civil Rights Group Issues Apology to Church After First Liberty Demand About Religious Rights
The Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the “law on missionary work”
‘Jerusalem’ Series Highlights Israel and the Middle East
Churches in China Forced to Surrender Tithes and Offerings to Government
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