Christian News Weekly Recap June 12 – 17, 2017
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday June 12, 2017
Pastor Eugene Cho and NBA Star Jeremy Lin Help Sex-Trafficking Victims in Thailand
Richard Dawkins: Religious Education Is Crucial But Scaring Children With Hell Is ‘Evil’
Based on True Accounts, New Novel Reveals Story of Terrorist Transformed by Faith in Christ
Hands and Feet of Christ: How These Free Health Clinics Put Faith into Action
Tuesday June 13, 2017
Swiss evangelicals distribute 500,000 copies of ‘Reformation newspaper’
Religious Left Just Now Getting Political, NYT Claims; Religious Conservatives Incredulous
‘Brutalized’: N Korea Releases US Hostage Otto Warmbier After Putting Him in a Coma
Greg Laurie Confirms 2,904 People Came To Jesus At His ‘Harvest’ Evangelism Event
Wednesday June 14, 2017
Christian Pastor Tortured in Vietnam for Evangelizing
Muslims ‘Protecting Christians’ from ISIS by Lending Them Hijabs in Besieged Philippines Town
Hundreds of Pastors, Youth Gather for Second ‘Jerusalem Encounter’
Thursday June 15, 2017
Spreading God’s Word in Belarus
Hundreds Flock To Hear The Gospel At ‘Jerusalem Encounter’ Israel Conference
Palestinians Say They Didn’t Agree to Stop Paying Terrorists
Biblical ‘Games of Thrones’—New TV Show to Bring ‘Paradise Lost’ to Life
Friday June 16, 2017
High school grad defies administrators who told her to remove Jesus’ name from commencement speech
Delaware Legalizes Abortion through all Nine Months
Government-Appointed Muslim Cleric Under Fire for Calling for ‘Jihad’ Against Jews and Christians
Chris Tomlin and Lecrae Team up to Perform Song Based on Ezekiel 37 Prophecy
Saturday June 17, 2017
High school grad defies administrators who told her to remove Jesus’ name from commencement speech
Delaware Legalizes Abortion through all Nine Months
Government-Appointed Muslim Cleric Under Fire for Calling for ‘Jihad’ Against Jews and Christians
Chris Tomlin and Lecrae Team up to Perform Song Based on Ezekiel 37 Prophecy
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