Christian News Weekly Recap June 15 – 20, 2020
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday June 15, 2020
Church Giving Has Rebounded despite COVID-19, New Survey Finds
Bishop on trial for refusing to permit same-sex marriages
Ukrainian Christians condemn surrogacy because it “violates the rights of mother and child”
Church of the Highlands Pastor Chris Hodges says he’s cried ‘buckets’ over race controversy
Tuesday June 16, 2020
Supreme Court Stuns with New Definition of Sex, Covering Homosexuals & Transgenders
Trump DOJ: States Must Loosen Church Restrictions If They Allow Protests
Time to end the silence on the persecution of Christians in Nigeria
Wednesday June 17, 2020
Supreme Court Cannot ‘Overturn the Word of God,’ Franklin Graham Says of LGBT Case
Most Churches Have Chosen Not to Return to In-Person Services, Survey Finds
Evangelical theologians issue joint statement calling racism ‘contrary to Scripture’ and the Gospel
‘Devastating for religious liberty’: 5 reactions to Supreme Court LGBT discrimination decision
Thursday June 18, 2020
Blind Woman Banned from City Park for ‘Conversations about Jesus’ Files Complaint
An ‘Oasis’ outside the biggest refugee camp in Europe
Episcopal Church holds hearing for bishop who refused to allow gay marriages in diocese
Michael Jackson’s Daughter to Portray Jesus as a Lesbian Woman in New Controversial Film
Friday June 19, 2020
Voddie Baucham Warns: Social Justice Is Not the Same as Biblical Justice
Court Rules California Church Can’t Meet in Downtown Building it Owns
Welsh churches to re-open for private prayer
Ex-LGBTs Baptize Homeless Man, He Turns Out to Be Unbroken’s Louis Zamperini’s Great-Grandson
Saturday June 20, 2020
Iranian Christian Activist Hailed by Trump Says Iran Detaining 15 Other Christians
Hopes Wilt for Teaching Christianity in Schools in Sudan
Religious freedom group urges Trump to ‘immediately enforce’ sanctions on Chinese officials
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