Christian News Weekly Recap June 19 – 24, 2017
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday June 19, 2017
Poll Finds Correlation between Age and Believing Hollywood Has Pro-Choice Bias
Portuguese evangelicals “weep with those who weep” during tragic fires
Christian School Defends Right to Educate Children According to its Values
Chinese Christians Pressured Into Confessing False ‘Evil Cult’ Activity
Tuesday June 20, 2017
St. Louis Cardinals Resist LGBTQ Outcry Over ‘Christian Day’
South Korean Christian arrested in Pakistan on suspicion of covert missionary work
Coffee with a Cause: How a DC Coffee House Became a Modern Well of Redemption
Wednesday June 21, 2017
Colorado Pastor Dies in Search of Hidden Treasure
Two million people march for Jesus in Sao Paulo
Disturbing footage shows heroic Christian aid worker rescuing young girl from Islamists in Iraq
Canadian District Bans Christian School from Teaching ‘Offensive’ Parts of Bible
Thursday June 22, 2017
Study Claims Church Attendance Can Help You Live Longer
Conscience win for Christian pharmacists
A Victory of Sorts for Undercover Pro-Life Activists Against ‘Politically Motivated Prosecution’
Irish Prime Minister Pressures Northern Ireland to Introduce ‘Gay Marriage’
Friday June 23, 2017
New Texas Law Allows Faith-Based Groups to Adhere to Biblical Family Standards
Ken Ham Says Atheist Attacks on Ark Encounter Prove Ministry is Effective: ‘It’s a Spiritual Battle’
Christian Organizations Labeled as Hate Groups on Charity Research Site
The Untold Story of Steve McQueen: How the ‘King of Cool’ Met the ‘King of Kings’
Saturday June 24, 2017
New Law Protects Religious Liberties in Florida Schools
Greg Stier On Why He Is Mobilizing 50,000 Teens To Bring Revival Across America
Nearly 200,000 displaced in southern Philippines as extremist attacks persist
How Secularism Threatens Freedom and Righteousness in America
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