Christian News Weekly Recap June 21 – 26, 2021
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday June 21, 2021
SBC becomes first US denomination to condemn China’s genocide of Uyghurs
Will we soon see pastors prosecuted for saying the Lord’s Prayer?
Another 13-Year-Old Girl Forced to Marry/Convert to Islam in Pakistan
Tuesday June 22, 2021
Turkey’s Christians need a break
Supreme Court asked to rule if Boston can legally refuse to fly Christian flag at city hall
Ken Ham on Mysterious UFOS: Biblically, ‘Aliens Can’t (and Don’t) Exist’
‘Revival Is Coming’: Sen. Ted Cruz Says the Church Must ‘Wake Up’ to Defeat ‘Woke Assault’
Wednesday June 23, 2021
Push to Criminalize Prayer Amid ‘Conversion Therapy’ Ban in UK
Loudoun School Board Ends Meeting Abruptly as Furious Parents Protest Christian Teacher’s Suspension
5 Civilians Killed After Burmese Military Targets Multiple Churches in Myanmar
Thursday June 24, 2021
Army won’t punish chaplain threatened with reprimand for Facebook post on transgender military ban
Persecuted Christians feel the effects of Iran’s change to the law
Pakistani Christian girl forced to convert to Islam, kept as ‘slave’ cook
70-Year-Old Christian Pastor Killed in Uganda by Radical Extremists
Friday June 25, 2021
Why the left-wing bias of so many Anglican clergy?
Pastor-turned-comedian Mickey Bell turns depression into joy: ‘God chose the comedy stage’
Saturday June 26, 2021
Army Won’t Punish Chaplain Who Criticized Biden Transgender Policy
Mississippi Atheists Sue State Over ‘In God We Trust’ License Plates
Christian Charity ‘Alarmed’ by Push to Criminalize Prayer
Canadian pastor says attacks on church services bring back memories of communism
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