Christian News Weekly Recap June 25 – 30, 2018
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday June 25, 2018
False Teacher Claims at Funeral: ‘Hell Is an Imaginary Place,’ ‘All That Stuff Is a Fairytale’
Samaritan’s Purse to Rebuild 55 Churches and 390 Homes in Hurricane-Damaged Puerto Rico
‘Targeted, Bullied, and Silenced’: Faith-Based Adoption Agencies Being Cut-Off for Biblical Beliefs
Facebook’s censorship has gotten worse. A lot worse.
Tuesday June 26, 2018
How could this blind Iraqi refugee memorise 87 chapters of the Bible?
Crisis Pregnancy Centers Win at Supreme Court; California Loses
Former Muslim Recounts Journey to Freedom
Wednesday June 27, 2018
Iranian pastor’s daughter appeals to UN for her imprisoned father
Justice Anthony Kennedy Retiring; ‘Big News,’ ‘A Complete Mess,’ Say Evangelicals
Christian charity welcomes Noel Conway right-to-die verdict
Slaughter of More than 200 People in Plateau State, Nigeria Shocks Christians
Thursday June 28, 2018
Churches Getting Taxed: Why Humanists Are Celebrating the GOP Tax Law
Hindu Leader Tells Christians to ‘Leave Now’ or Be Forcibly Expelled
No more sending Bibles across the border to North Korea in balloons, says South Korea
Friday June 29, 2018
Bible Scholar Calls DC Pastor ‘Delusional’ for Claim Evangelicals Made Faustian Bargain With Trump
Why Evangelicals Are Rooting for Amy Coney Barrett
Christian Filmmaker Picked to be Chief Creative Officer for Pixar Animation
Saturday June 30, 2018
Muslim prof makes students take shoes off, honor Allah
Healing After Tragedy: An Annapolis Church’s Hope for a Grieving Community
Christianity CRACKDOWN: Crisis in Nigeria as THOUSANDS killed in ‘pure GENOCIDE’
Renovation of Christian sites in Egypt raises hopes of greater religious tolerance
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