Christian News Weekly Recap June 27 – July 1, 2017
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday June 26, 2017
Poll: Nearly Half of Americans Pray before Meals
Christians taking children to camp in India charged with kidnapping
Bloodiest 2017 Ramadan in Modern History
‘Transformers’ Actor Remi Adeleke on How God and Michael Bay Radically Changed His Life
Tuesday June 27, 2017
French evangelicals hope Macron’s “calmed laicité” will protect right to share one’s faith publicly
DNA Analysis of Egyptian Mummies Supports Biblical Story of Noah’s Descendants
High court backs church in public benefits case
ISIS ‘Using 100 Christians’, Including Priest, as Human Shields in Philippines Life
Wednesday June 28, 2017
Atheist Group Files Complaint against Anne Graham Lotz Prayer Event
Law giving special rights to LGBT groups worries Spanish evangelicals
Sudanese Christians denounce demolition of their church buildings
Preschoolers in Sweden Banned from Saying ‘Amen,’ Mentioning the Bible
Thursday June 29, 2017
Live Action Claims Twitter Banned Their Pro-Life Ads
10 Years Later, iPhone has Massive Effect on Faith Community
Archaeologists discover road on which Jesus walked from Pool of Siloam to temple
Friday June 30, 2017
Christian Cake Maker Says He and His Family are Receiving Death Threats
GOP Moves to Give Pastors Freedom to Endorse Political Candidates
‘Sesame Street’ Expresses Support for Homosexuality During ‘LGBT Pride Month’
Israel Breaks Ground on First Settlement in Biblical Heartland in 25 Years
Saturday July 1, 2017
Christian Hindu Radicals Attempt To “Wipe Out Christianity” In India’s Coimbatore District
FBI Investigating 1,000 ISIS-Related Threats in All 50 States of US
A Taxi Driver, a Suffering Woman, a Town in Witchcraft and the Power of Audio Bibles
Christian charity welcomes ruling on Northern Ireland’s strict abortion laws
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