Christian News Weekly Recap June 29 – July 4, 2020
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday June 29, 2020
Government sets out guidance for resumption of church services
Nigerian Christians Like Sheep to the Slaughter – Why It May Be Genocide
Church Members Hospitalized as 200 Officials Destroy Church in China
In a Summer of Pandemic, Vacation Bible School Programs Go Online and Outside
Tuesday June 30, 2020
Judge: N.Y. Can’t Restrict Churches while Permitting Protests during Pandemic
‘I Was a Walking Dead Man’: Ex-New York Drug Lord Finds Jesus
Messianic church in Israel wins restraining order in case against anti-evangelism group
‘I Was Filled With the Holy Ghost and it Scared Me’: Denzel Washington Recounts Coming to Christ
Wednesday July 1, 2020
Christian Photographer Could Be Fined $50,000 for Not Working Same-Sex Wedding
Nigeria could be next Rwanda or Darfur if world doesn’t act, advocates warn
Cuba gives pastor early release after serving 1 year in prison for homeschooling his children
Dozens of Christian leaders sue Government over closure of churches during lockdown
Thursday July 2, 2020
Turkey Threatens to Convert Iconic Hagia Sophia Into Mosque
87 Percent of Christians Believe America ‘Has Been Blessed by God,’ Barna Shows
Pastors in Police Cars, Officers in Pews: Police and Community Walk a Mile in Each Other’s Shoes
Jesus Revolution Film to Star Jim Gaffigan as Chuck Smith, Joel Courtney as Greg Laurie
Friday July 3, 2020
Christians at greater risk of arrest after Iran passes new law
Christian father, son die after alleged police torture in India
Cardinal Zen says he’s prepared to be arrested after Hong Kong imposes new security law
Saturday July 4, 2020
How Founding Fathers Who Loved the God of Liberty & Their Freedom Built the Freest of Free Nations
7 exciting trends in global Christianity: No. 5 will surprise you
MPs call for action from NATO and Britain as Christians in Montenegro face persecution
‘Habit’ producer says controversy over Paris Jackson’s portrayal of Jesus ‘blown out of proportion’
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