Christian News Weekly Recap June 3 – 8, 2019
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday June 3, 2019
Christian charity takes Canadian govt to court over Summer Jobs discrimination
Former lesbian: ‘Devil thought he had me, God had another plan’
Trump Surprises Evangelical Church with Visit; Pastor Prays for Him
Tuesday June 4, 2019
A Dangerous Time To Be Christian
Researchers Believe They’ve Uncovered One of the Oldest Christian Churches on the Planet
United Methodist regional bodies reject ‘Traditional Plan’ on LGBT issues, vow resistance
Pope Francis Officially Approves Change to Lord’s Prayer
Wednesday June 5, 2019
Man Stopped from Jumping off Bridge Turns His Life around, Is Baptized
85-Year-Old Widow Forced Out of Apartment Due to Religious Activities
Stars of TLC’s ‘Rattled’ on how God worked ‘unbelievable miracles’
‘I Felt the Calling’: Stephen Curry Tells of Day He Gave His Life to Christ
Thursday June 6, 2019
Scale of Worldwide Christian Persecution ‘Deeply Disturbs’ UK Foreign Secretary
Over 30 Pentecostal Christians arrested in Eritrea as crackdown continues
‘The Word of God Began to Change Me’: Gay Man Finds Jesus, Marries a Woman
Swedish Bishop Has ‘More in Common with Muslims than Right-Wing Christians’
Friday June 7, 2019
Pope approves change to Lord’s Prayer but UK’s Catholics will stick with original
Northeast dominates list of America’s most ‘post-Christian’ cities
Five Sworn Gang Enemies Are Baptized Together in Texas Maximum-Security Prison
Algeria shuts down another Christian church that’s been waiting years for permit
Saturday June 8, 2019
Christian school demolished in India, children seized from ministry
Push to legalise assisted suicide in Scotland is ‘sinister’
Canadian Preacher Arrested for ‘Disturbing the Peace’ as Crowd Rejects Message of the Gospel
Christian School Hit with SWAT-Style Raid, CA Demands They Allow Sexual Exploration or Be Shut Down
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