Christian News Weekly Recap June 5 – 10, 2017
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday June 5, 2017
Euthanasia Bill struck down in Tasmania
Chattanooga, TN Tops List of Cities with High Church Attendance
This Island Nation, Led by an Evangelical Christian, Just Recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital
Nabeel Qureshi ‘Encouraged and Hopeful’ He Will Beat Cancer, Will Soon Undergo Surgery
Tuesday June 6, 2017
March for Marriage Participants Prepare for Event on June 17
Hands and Feet of Christ: How These Free Health Clinics Put Faith into Action
‘Pray and vote’, Christians urged ahead of election
ISIS Growing in Southeast Asia? 1,200 ISIS Operatives Present in Philippines, Says Indonesia
Wednesday June 7, 2017
THOUSANDS Of Korean Soldiers Worship Jesus Together With Passion And Joy
“We can’t keep up with the insatiable desire of Copts to have a Bible”
Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Case of Marine Fired for Displaying Bible Verse
House Approves Emergency Aid for Christian Survivors of Genocide in Mideast
Thursday June 8, 2017
Christian sanitation worker in Pakistan dies after hospital refuses to treat him
Bernie Sanders’ “Shockingly Ignorant” Comments on Christianity
Spanish nurses presented a paper on the Reformation at international congress
Christian Film ‘The Star’ Will Tell Story of Jesus’ Birth from Animals’ Perspective
Friday June 9, 2017
‘It’s Time to Put a Stop to Attacks on Religion’
AMAZING RESCUE: Ex-US Soldier Says ‘God Opened a Way’ to Save Girl Trapped by ISIS
Scottish Episcopal Church votes to allow same-sex marriages
God Evangelizes Middle East: More and More Muslims Are Coming to Christ Through Dreams and Visions
Saturday June 10, 2017
Young Contestants Memorize 840 Bible Verses in 9th Annual ‘Bible Bee’
Protestors in More than 20 Cities say “No” to Sharia Law in America
‘No Longer the United Nations Punching Bag’: Why Hope Is Rising in Israel
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