Christian News Weekly Recap March 1 – 6, 2021
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday March 1, 2021
What’s in Store for the Equality Act, and Why Do Some Religions Want a Revision?
Dr. Voddie Baucham Is Discharged from the Hospital following Successful Heart Surgery
Pastor of Belarus church evicted in police raid: ‘We are praying for great revival’ amid persecution
Boko Haram Terrorists in Nigeria Say They Will Execute Christian Pastor Wednesday if Demands Not Met
Tuesday March 2, 2021
Christian in Pakistan Convicted of ‘Blasphemy’ Released on Bail
Belarusian Pastor Asks for Prayer after His Church Is Evicted from Its Building by Police
Christian leaders react to Bethany Christian Services allowing LGBT couples to foster, adopt
Wednesday March 3, 2021
Theologically conservative Methodists ready to launch new global family
Bible Reading Has Boosted Mental Health of Christians During Pandemic, New Poll Says
Nearly 300 abducted Nigerian schoolgirls released, reunited with families: ‘We thank God’
Myanmar Police Destroy Church Gate while Pursuing Pro-Democracy Protesters
Thursday March 4, 2021
Larry Crabb, Professor, Psychiatrist, Bible Teacher, Dead at 76
Two Christians Sentenced to Prison and Heavy Fine in Algeria
John MacArthur: ‘I wouldn’t fight for religious freedom because I won’t fight for idolatry’
Barna Research: Could Digital Prayer and Worship Be New Norm for Churches?
Friday March 5, 2021
Is America a Christian nation? Pastors at odds about fusion of faith and politics
Imprisoned Pastor Shares the Lifeline That Kept Him Going
Colorado judge dismisses 1 of 2 charges against Jack Phillips for not making pro-transgender cake
BREAKING: Judge dismisses bail appeal, keeps Canadian pastor behind bars
Saturday March 6, 2021
A timeline of disaster and displacement for Iraqi Christian
Ahead of Pope visit, survivor recalls Christian church massacre in Iraq
Students for Life releases first list of Christian colleges with ties to Planned Parenthood
Nigerian pastor freed by Boko Haram hours before execution: ‘I thank God’
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