Christian News Weekly Recap March 15 – 20, 2021
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday March 15, 2021
‘Ex-gay’ pastor can’t sue Vimeo for removing church’s account, appeals court rules
UPDATE: Wife of Jailed Canadian Pastor Shares Details of Husband’s Ordeal Behind Bars
Florida Pastor Loses 2 Daughters, 3 Grandkids in Tragic Automobile Accident
Nashville Churches Are Successfully Feeding Families in Need across Tennessee: Study
Tuesday March 16, 2021
2,000-Year-Old Biblical Scroll Fragments Unearthed in Dead Sea Cave
Harry Connick, Jr. to Release Gospel Album
Amazon defends decision to remove conservative Christian scholar’s book on transgenderism
WNBA champion who says she was bullied in league for being straight shares how faith kept her
Wednesday March 17, 2021
57 Black Christian Leaders Send Open Letter to Senate Committee Warning against the Equality Act
77 Percent of Protestant Pastors Believe it’s ‘Morally Wrong’ to Change Genders, Poll Says
WordGo Free Bible Study App Designed to Get People in the Word of God, Keep Them Engaged
Millions have tuned into Church of England’s online services during pandemic
Thursday March 18, 2021
Syria: where churches are fighting for survival
Ancient Bible fragments dating back nearly 2,000 years discovered in Judean Desert
European priests plan to bless same-sex unions in defiance of Vatican decree
Netflix Animated Series Criticizes NRA by Portraying Jesus as Gun, Sex-Obsessed
Friday March 19, 2021
West Virginia Church Opens House for Recovering Addicts
Coach Who Was Fired for Praying Loses in Court: ‘We Hope the Supreme Court Will Right This Wrong’
Albert Mohler Denounces Canada’s Expansion of Physician-Assisted Suicide to People with Disabilities
Saturday March 20, 2021
Life Sentence for Christian in Pakistan Changed to Death Penalty
Christian groups lament passage of bill requiring lessons on atheism, humanism in all Welsh schools
‘Either we invest in the people of Syria’, or Islamic State will’
How a little woman from London was used by God in extraordinary ways in China
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