Christian News Weekly Recap March 23 – 28, 2020
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday March 23, 2020
Wycliffe Associates Releases New Testament Translation for Blind, Deaf People
Christians Suffer Police Brutality, Illegal Arrests in Uttar Pradesh, India
Michigan governor exempts worship services from state ban on gatherings of 50 or more
Hobby Lobby remains open: ‘God is in control’
Tuesday March 24, 2020
Ravi Zacharias opens up about cancer diagnosis
Coronavirus is ‘one of our greatest opportunities to reach a lost world’
Go2020 Global Prayer Movement Calls Every Believer to Pray, Care and Share
Wednesday March 25, 2020
Is the coronavirus in Bible prophecy? Pastor David Jeremiah answers
Louisiana Church Ignores Social Distancing Advice, Welcomes 1,800 People to Church
Churches Find Innovative Ways to Serve Their Communities during the Coronavirus Pandemic
Italian Priest Dies From Coronavirus After Giving Away His Respirator So Another May Live
Thursday March 26, 2020
Church Pools Chick-fil-A Points, Donates 460 Sandwiches to Hospital Workers
Christians must not be barred from hiring public venues, says campaign group
Indian evangelicals confirm 366 cases of violence against Christians in 2019
Church services evacuated, pastors arrested in several countries over gathering bans
Friday March 27, 2020
4 Christian aid workers freed in Iraq after abduction 2 months ago
Virtual Choir’s Powerful ‘It Is Well’ Arrangement Goes Viral with 1.4 Million Views
My Pillow’s Christian CEO Says Company Will Shift 75 Percent of Production to Make Medical Masks
Saturday March 28, 2020
Poor Prison Conditions Put Iranian Pastor at Risk of COVID-19, Petition Demands for His Release
‘There is Hope for My Nation’: Evangelist Reaches the Youth of Georgia for Christ
Plagues and pandemics: what can the Bible tell us about them?
Muslim convert on ‘miraculous’ ways God is ‘radically transforming’ Iran despite persecution
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