Christian News Weekly Recap March 7 – 12, 2016
This is a recap of this week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday Mar 7, 2016
Harvest America 2016: Thousands Accept Christ at Evangelical Event with Greg Laurie in Texas
Supreme Court Upholds Lesbian Parental Rights in Unanimous Decision
Thousands of Muslims Embracing Christ in Syria After Witnessing Miraculous Healings, Answered Prayer
Idaho Pastor Who Prayed for Ted Cruz During Rally Shot, Critically Wounded in Church Parking Lot
Tuesday Mar 8, 2016
Violence in Israel as Palestinian kills American tourist
Washington cardinal rebukes Georgetown for inviting Planned Parenthood chief
Israeli Christians Think and Do Almost the Opposite of American Evangelicals
Wednesday Mar 9, 2016
Report Reveals Muslims Behind Worst Year for Modern Christian Persecution
ReFRESH conf. goes West, emboldens pastors, leaders
London-Based Group Helping Muslim Converts Secretly Practice Christianity in Iran
Mo. Senate votes to put religious liberty on ballot
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Budget shortfalls hamper 3 in 10 churches surveyed
Do Christians Face Genocide from ISIS? US Has One Week Left to Decide
‘Israel must be wiped out’ written on side of Iran’s missiles
Imam arrested in Italy, suspected of planning Rome terror attack
Friday Mar 11, 2016
Muslims Embracing Jesus Christ After Hearing Gospel, Witnessing Visions of ‘Man in White’:
Kenya joins Anglican Council boycott over Episcopal’s
Gary Smalley remembered for saving marriages
Catholic conservatives concerned over Francis’ beliefs
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Harvest America Draws Record-Setting 350,000, Over 25,000 Faith Commitments
Coptic bishop seeks support from evangelicals
Germany is Denying Aid to Christian Refugees, Says Christian Persecution Charity
Former Muslim Now Baptizing Muslim Converts
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