Christian News Weekly Recap May 15 – 20, 2017
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday May 15, 2017
Statistics Show for Every Christian Convert in UK, 26 Believers Abandon Their Faith
Man Was Beheaded By ISIS The Day He Gave His Life To Christ
Muslim Hospital Superintendent Forces Christian Staff to Recite Koran, Punishes Those Who Refuse
Chris Pratt Shamelessly Spreads God’s Love in Children’s Hospital
Tuesday May 16, 2017
Court Grants Christian T-shirt Printer Religious Freedom to Decline Pro-LGBT Orders
100 Indian Christians Forced To Convert Back To Hinduism ‘They Cannot Take Jesus From Our Hearts’
More than 1% of evangelicals in Veracruz “have a missing person in their family”
Ravi Zacharias, Ministry Team Say ‘Goodbye’ to Cancer-Stricken Nabeel Qureshi
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Christianity Growing in North Korea Despite Persecution, Defector Says
Maine School Employee Reprimanded for Telling Churchgoing Coworker ‘I Will Pray for You’
U.S. Embassy to Stay in Tel Aviv For Now
Reformation’s 500th Anniversary: Remembering Martin Luther’s Contribution to Literacy
Thursday May 18, 2017
Thousands of Christians to Take Part in ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Prayer Initiative
After Continued Abuse, It’s a ‘New Day’ for Israel at the UN, Says Nikki Haley
Marjorie Harvey: “Our Relationship With God Is The Centerpiece In Our Family”
Friday May 19, 2017
Wives of Chinese Torture Victims Beg Congress for Help
Evangelical leaders will celebrate the Reformation at ELF conference
Bible Verses on County Sheriff’s Department Vehicles Cause Uproar
Egypt crucial for Christianity’s future
Saturday May 20, 2017
Power to the People: 1.7 Million European Citizens Have Their Pro-Life Voice Heard
Returning Christian families urged to put down roots in northern Iraq
Christian Astrophysicist Discovers New Planet Size of Seven Earths Using Kepler Spacecraft Data
Tory Manifesto: Evangelicals warn extremism pledge could target Christians
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