Christian News Weekly Recap May 2 – May 7, 2016
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday May 2, 2016
Highest military court weighs Marine Bible verse case
Refused: Graphics company declines to make rainbow logo for ‘welcoming’ church
Annual Bible Reading Marathon Begins at Nation’s Capitol
Tuesday May 3, 2016
Report: Religious freedom under ‘serious and sustained assault’ around the world
A recent list came out shaming Christian colleges for beliefs about transgenderism
Wednesday May 4, 2016
Justice Dept Says NC Anti-LGBT Law Illegal
The forgotten persecuted: 7 countries that abuse religious freedom
Rima Fakih: Former Muslim Miss USA Converts to Christianity
Thursday May 5, 2016
Justice Dept Says NC Anti-LGBT Law Illegal
The forgotten persecuted: 7 countries that abuse religious freedom
Rima Fakih: Former Muslim Miss USA Converts to Christianity
Friday May 6, 2016
Infanticide to Transgenderism: Planned-Parenthood offers sex change services
Breakthrough embryo research raises ethical questions: What some Christians think
Poultry vs. Pinhead: New York City’s mayor says boycott Chick-fil-A
Holocaust Remembrance: Israel Gave Jews a Voice Among the Nations
Saturday May 7, 2016
Atheists sue U.S. House of Representatives chaplain on National Day of Prayer
Gang of Hindus in India attack Christians with rocks
China and India Deny U.S. Accusations of Religious Freedom Abuse
New-Faith Based TV Series Will Focus on Raising Godly Children
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