Christian News Weekly Recap May 21 – 26, 2018
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday May 21, 2018
Most Americans Find More Meaning in Relationships Than in Religion, Study Finds
Foster Parents Sue City of Philadelphia for Suspending Partnership With Faith-Based Foster Agency
Former Gays, Lesbians Blast Calif. for Regarding Them as ‘Frauds’ With Pending Therapy Ban
Ireland’s Pro-Life Amendment in Danger of Repeal
Tuesday May 22, 2018
In His Will, Billy Graham Urges Family to Defend Gospel ‘at Any Cost’
Illinois High School Prohibits Valedictorian From Mentioning Jesus in Graduation Speech
Boy Scouts of America to Provide Condoms to Teens at World Scout Jamboree
‘I Just Had To Know the Lord’: Actor Atticus Shaffer Discusses His Faith Journey
Wednesday May 23, 2018
JEWISH-CHRISTIAN Bible Bloc Party Approved by Registrar
U.S. hospital refuses to help premature twins born alive, leaves them to die
‘100 Houses’ evangelism effort in New Orleans
Student banned from Catholic college campus after defending natural marriage
Thursday May 24, 2018
After latest Christian deaths, Nigeria’s bishops warn ‘clock is ticking’
Church of England’s synod will not debate sexuality, prompting fury from campaigners
Sweden: At the centre of secular Scandinavia
Friday May 25, 2018
Pro-lifers Call for Prayer and Fasting as Ireland Votes on Future of the Unborn
Cosmopolitan’s X-rated Snapchat channel shuts down after parental uproar
“Without family, Europe will not exist for long”, MEP says
Saturday May 26, 2018
Across the land of St. Patrick, night has fallen
Vice President Pence Tells Pastors: ‘Share The Gospel!’
Questions Surround Fate of 10 Orphaned Children After Deaths of Pastors
Chinese Government forces house churches to submit registration forms
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