Christian News Weekly Recap May 22 – 27, 2017
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday May 22, 2017
Optional Bible Class Cancelled at Michigan School after Complaint is Filed
President Trump Prays At The Western Wall In Jerusalem During Historic Visit
Turkey Accuses Imprisoned American Pastor of Giving ‘Special’ Sermons to Kurds
Tuesday May 23, 2017
Former Jakarta Christian Gov. Withdraws Appeal of Jail Sentence
Texas Senate Passes Bill Protecting Operating Values of Faith-Based Foster, Adoption Agencies
‘Profound, Political Courage:’ Christian Leaders React to Trump’s Middle East Trip
Wednesday May 24, 2017
ICC Provides Bibles To Christians Persecuted In Laos
Good News for Pro-life Movement: 8 States Have Only One Abortion Clinic Left
Israel Marks 50 Years of Reunited Capital on Jerusalem Day
Christian School Says Student Is Barred From Graduation for ‘Immoral’ Sex, Not Pregnancy
Thursday May 25, 2017
Terrorists Linked with Islamic State Abduct Priest in Attack in Mindanao, Philippines
Bible reading marathon in Sofia celebrates 1,150 years of Cyrillic Alphabet
Archaeologists Find Evidence of Jerusalem’s Destruction 2,000 Years Ago
Friday May 26, 2017
Attack On Coptic Christians Kills At Least 28 In Egypt
North Korea: Christian Persecution as Severe as Nero’s Rome, Experts Say
Franklin Graham On Sermon Safeguard Bill: “Policing The Pulpit? Not In Texas!”
Hands Raised to Glorify God, How Worship Leader Chris Blue Won ‘The Voice’
Saturday May 27, 2017
The longest Bible in the world, unfolded in Germany
College Freshmen Abandon Religion at ‘Skyrocketing’ Rate
U.K. Muslim Speaks Out: Sick of Those Who Say Terrorism Has Nothing to do with Islam
Church of England faces calls to condemn gay cure and hold transgender renaming services
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