Christian News Weekly Recap May 23 – May 28, 2016
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday May 23, 2016
Pope meets with top imam to discuss ‘coexistence’
Christians Rally to Keep World’s Largest Refugee Camp Open
From Genesis to Revelation: Artist Unveils Mural of the Bible
United Methodist conference seen as confusing even to God
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Kansas Christian School Under Fire for Discriminatory Policy against LGBT
5 Trends in Christian Missions: Global Christianity Experts
OK Senators Want Student Bathrooms and Showers Based on Religion, Obama Impeachment
Venezuelan government mandates fingerprint biometrics for food
Wednesday May 25, 2016
Students Banned from Saying Lord’s Prayer at Graduation Push Back with a Big Ol’ Lesson in Freedom
Eleven States Sue Obama Admin. over Transgender Directive
Archbishop Justin Welby Tells Christians Not to Talk About Their Faith Unless Asked
Archaeologists Excavate Near Dead Sea Scrolls Cave
Thursday May 26, 2016
Memorial Day crosses back up after complaints
‘Emoji Bible’ Seeks to Appeal to Millennials
South Carolina Governor to Sign Ban on Abortion Past 19 Weeks
Friday May 27, 2016
Ohio Valedictorian Defies Demands of Atheist Group, Recites Lord’s Prayer at Graduation Ceremony
Venezuela: radio ministry to ‘Power Up’
Thousands of Muslim Refugees Suddenly Flocking to Jesus
Saturday May 28, 2016
Islamic State advances near Turkish border, civilians trapped
A meeting of the Christian camps ministers was held in Ukraine
Christian Pastor Murdered by Poison in Uganda
Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant’s Love For Religious Freedom Gets National Recognition
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