Christian News Weekly Recap May 25 – 30, 2020
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday May 25, 2020
Respected Bible teacher and writer David Pawson dies aged 90
Lee Strobel Talks About ‘Cultural Prophet’ Ravi Zacharias, Importance of Apologetics
Churchgoers Across the Country Begin Attending In-Person Worship Services Over Memorial Weekend
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Mobs in India Threaten 16 Christian Families Every Night for Nearly Three Weeks
How a pastor found healing and peace when he forgave his wife’s killer
Muslim Father in Uganda Burns Daughter for Becoming Christian
Senators Ernst and Grassley Ask Trump to Deploy Special Envoy to Nigeria to End Christian Genocide
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Genesis and New Testament translated into “vital” West African language
Evangelical leader casts doubt on some social distancing measures
Chicago Pastors Speak Out against Threats of Shutdowns amid COVID-19
China Bulldozes, Shuts Down Churches amid Pandemic: ‘The Government Has Gone Insane’
Thursday May 28, 2020
Food and a prayer for the suffering church in the Middle East
Christian watchdog group finds China’s increased control over Hong Kong ‘concerning’
20 Christians killed, others injured or missing in Fulani attacks that displaced 20,000
Friday May 29, 2020
Christians Respond to the Tragic Death of George Floyd
Illinois Backs Down, Says Churches Can Meet Again
Christian Advocate Ravi Zacharias Laid to Rest in Casket Crafted by Inmates
Churches from across Hong Kong unite behind three days of prayer and fasting
Saturday May 30, 2020
‘Napalm girl’ in famous 1970s war photo: ‘Those bombs led me to Christ’
Scotland’s Christians continue to pray through pandemic
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