Christian News Weekly Recap May 29 – June 3, 2017
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday May 29, 2017
The longest Bible in the world, unfolded in Germany
College Freshmen Abandon Religion at ‘Skyrocketing’ Rate
U.K. Muslim Speaks Out: Sick of Those Who Say Terrorism Has Nothing to do with Islam
Church of England faces calls to condemn gay cure and hold transgender renaming services
Tuesday May 30, 2017
Philippines: Priest Abducted by Islamic Extremists Appears in Video
Masses Of Indonesian Muslims Are Risking Their Lives By Turning To Jesus
Israeli Minister: Netanyahu No Longer Backs Two-State Solution
Heroin-Addicted-Gang-Leader-Turned Pastor Shares How ‘Encounter With God’ Changed His Life
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Coptic Bishop Angaelos To The Terrorists: “You Are Loved By God, Your Creator”
Young Christian entrepreneurs in Togo, ready to be “agents of transformation”
Plans Underway for Construction of Third Temple in Jerusalem
U2 Takes Jimmy Kimmel Audience to Church
Thursday June 1, 2017
Farmer Ousted from Michigan Market over Same-Sex Marriage Views
Kidnapped Priest Pleads With Filipino President As ISIS Hold 240 Civilians Captive
Lebanon Bans ‘Wonder Woman’ Film because Star is Israeli
Trump Won’t Move US Embassy to Jerusalem, but He Did Make This Promise
Friday June 2, 2017
Nearly 100 Eritrean Christians Arrested for Attending Illegal Churches
REVIVAL: 50,000 Students Nationwide ‘Dare to Share’ Gospel LIVE at the Same Time
Saturday June 3, 2017
Iowa Supreme Court Rules Mother May Sue Doctor for ‘Wrongful Birth’ of Disabled Child
Ramadan Martyrs Get Extra Reward: Experts Warn to Brace for ‘Holy Month of Jihad’
White House: Jerusalem Embassy Move Not a Matter of ‘If,’ but ‘When’
Will Christians Abandon “Faith-Based” Movies?
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