Christian News Weekly Recap May 30 – June 4, 2016
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday May 30, 2016
Remembering the Fallen on Memorial Day
The emoji Bible has arrived thanks to Apple iBooks
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Ore., Ala., Fla. evangelism/missions news; Church opens ‘rest stop’ for first responders
State Department warns Americans against traveling to Europe
Israel’s 47 Christian Schools Face a Murky Future
Wednesday June 1, 2016
Islamic Scholars Say Quran Mistranslated: Martyrs for Islam Get ‘Raisins,’ Not ‘Virgins’
Shutting Down: America’s Largest Distributor of Christian Products
Church buys city park land to preserve cross monument; atheists offered 20-times the purchase price
Thursday June 2, 2016
OOPS – no news
Friday June 3, 2016
African Pilgrims Pour into Uganda for Martyrs Day
President Obama: Bible Supports Transgender Directive
Georgia ACLU Leader Quits Over Young Daughters’ Encounter With Men in Women’s Restroom
Girl asks officers to pray with her before lunch
Saturday June 4, 2016
Abedini church worker near death in Iran prison
Students, Colleagues Mourn Murdered Christian Professor
Atheists gather on the Mall to demonstrate their political muscle
School Calls Police on Young Boy for Sharing Bible Verse
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