Christian News Weekly Recap May 4 – 9, 2020
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday May 4, 2020
As States Ease Lockdown Restrictions, Churches Must Decide When — and How — to Reopen
Atheist ‘Completely Destroys’ His Own Argument — Pastor Explains Why
Younger adults more likely to pray regularly amid Coronavirus lockdown
Tuesday May 5, 2020
‘Exercising Religion Is Essential’ – Trump DOJ Sides with Virginia Church
Churches in Germany re-open without handshakes
False Allegations in Lynching in Western India Pose Threat to Christians
Wednesday May 6, 2020
Over 260,000 People Join World War II Veteran in Praying for a ‘Spiritual Awakening’
Supreme Court to Determine If a Christian Organization Must Provide Contraception
Former Muslims Share Their Faith in Jesus in New Video Series
More Brits turning to prayer during coronavirus lockdown: survey
Thursday May 7, 2020
Join the National Day of Prayer Event Happening LIVE at 8 PM
Ohio Teen Accepted Into 12 Universities Credits God With Helping Him Overcome Life’s Challenges
A quarter of the US population says the epidemic “has strengthened their faith”
Kendrick Brothers Hosting War Room Watch Party on Facebook Friday
Friday May 8, 2020
Pence Asks Americans to Pray that God Will ‘Hear from Heaven’ and ‘Heal this Land’
I Still Believe Viewers Are ‘Coming to Faith in Christ’ while Watching at Home, Director Says
Greg Laurie’s New Believer’s Bible hits 10 million in sales milestone
Abducted seminarian was killed because he shared Christian faith with his captors
Saturday May 9, 2020
Faith Leaders Respond to Brutal Killing of Young Black Man Ahmaud Arbery
Women from Small Mississippi Church Go Viral Singing Hit Gospel Songs
Ravi Zacharias Sent Home with Dire Prognosis
Little Richard Dead at 87: Here’s the Powerful Story of How He Turned to Christ Late in Life
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