Christian News Weekly Recap May 8 – 13, 2023
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday May 8, 2023
God Exalted in Aftermath of Kentucky Derby as Winning Jockey Praises the Name Above All Names
Christian migrants ask to be treated as equals in Norwegian churches
Christians among over 50 killed, 23,000 fleeing ethnic violence in northeast India
Religious literacy among civil servants ‘woefully inadequate’, report says
Tuesday May 9, 2023
PETA Resorts to Extreme Blasphemy, Literally Rewrites God’s Words to Support Their Agenda
192 North Carolina congregations leave United Methodist Church
Hatred in the Hallways: Our Call as Christians to Fight Antisemitism in Schools
Archdiocese Investigating Parish After Historic Church Is Used to Host ‘God Is Trans’ Event
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Critics slam Canada’s new national crown that replaced Christian imagery
SBC loses over 450K members in 2022; largest drop in membership in 100 years
Reverend Franklin Graham Takes to Small Town with a Big Message
Storyteller devices open new doors for the Gospel in Pakistan
Thursday May 11, 2023
British teens have positive view of Jesus, study finds
87% of Americans who pray say their prayers were answered in the last year: study
Texas megachurch that left UMC forming its own Methodist denomination
Friday May 12, 2023
JPMorgan Chase denies closing accounts over religious, political views
Christians decry ‘gruesome’ violence in India
Turkish Christians build over 100 houses for earthquake victims
Texas Lawmakers Vote to Allow Chaplains in Public Schools to Combat Mental Health Crisis
Saturday May 13, 2023
Museum of the Bible exhibit offers virtual tour of 7 Pilgrim Churches of Rome
Church of England apologises to abuse victim after review finds failings
Moms Play Major Role in Children’s Decision for Christ, Barna Survey Reports
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