Christian News Weekly Recap May 9 – May 14, 2016
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday May 9, 2016
North Carolina sues feds over “bathroom law”
It’s IMPOSSIBLE to be Christian in Iraq says Father who had teeth knocked out with HAMMER
Hundreds Of Muslim Refugees In Germany Convert To Christianity
Islamic slogans OK for British buses, but Lord’s Prayer is banned
Tuesday May 10, 2016
Israel to recognize its 23,477 fallen on Memorial Day
Few Pastors Say Adultery Should Permanently Ban Them from the Pulpit
Christian migrants harassed in German asylum centers
Bibles Smuggled into North Africa to Meet Growing Need of Church
Wednesday May 11, 2016
Persecuted Church Advocate Complains It Is ‘Hard Pressed’ by Fellow Christian Groups
London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
Oppression of Christians in Sudan Continue Unrestrained: Two More Church Leaders Arrested
Christians Worldwide Partnering to Reach the Unevangelized
Thursday May 12, 2016
Despite All Odds, Israel Flourishing
Couple goes from smuggling contraband to smuggling Gospel
Ukraine: The president and military chaplains prayed together for peace and victory
North Carolina the Latest Battleground of the Beast System
Friday May 13, 2016
White House issues transgender order to schools
Missionary Kenneth Bae Never Viewed Himself as ‘Prisoner’ in North Korea, but ‘God’s Ambassador’
Muslim Leaders in Pakistan Offer $10,000 for Body of Christian Boy Falsely Accused of Blasphemy
Saturday May 14, 2016
Christians in Iraq baffled at how U.S. can find water on mars but not ISIS in the desert
American Bible Society Hosts 140 Bible Translation Groups for World Assembly in Philadelphia
Faith on the Rise in Nepal: Love for the Least of These
Texas, Arkansas Join North Carolina in Fight Against Transgender Bathroom Directive
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