Christian News Weekly Recap Nov 13 – 18, 2017
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Museum of the Bible Set to Open This Week
Christian human rights lawyer faces death threats
‘Essential Israel:’ Professor Aims to Educate America on the Truth About the Jewish State
An estimated 1,800 languages still need bible translation
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Church Sees Significant Decline in Membership Following Same-Sex Marriage Decision
FBI signals criminal probe into Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of aborted baby parts
70+ Years Later, Holocaust Survivors Celebrate Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall
Christianity ‘Still Alive’ in Sudan Despite Killings, Jailing of Pastors for Sharing the Gospel
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Chinese Christians Forced to Replace Posters of Jesus with President Xi
Georgia School District Bans Coaches from Praying with Team: Players Pray Anyway
100 Years After His Death, Oswald Chambers and ‘My Utmost for His Highest’ are Still Impacting Lives
Religious minorities in Morocco unite to fight for their rights
Thursday Nov 16, 2017
Evangelists in Sudan warned against preaching the gospel to Muslims
Christians forced to reject faith for poverty alleviation
Former Google Exec Says Artificial Intelligence is ‘God,’ Creates New Religion
Friday Nov 17, 2017
Operation Christmas Child Delivers Gifts to Children Affected by Hurricane Irma
Man arrested, AR-15 rifle seized after threat to ‘kill all’ at Seattle church
Da Vinci portrait of Christ sells for record $450.3 million in New York
This Texas Mall-Owner Offers Shoppers Hope With 10 Commandments Monument
Saturday Nov 18, 2017
The ‘remarkable religious transformation’ of Vietnam’s Hmong
South Carolina Church Battling Opioid Addiction With Bible And Prayer
Israel’s Offer of Aid to Iran and Iraq After Earthquake Turned Down
Customers at Sam’s Club Break Out in Spontaneous Worship and it’s Awesome
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