Christian News Weekly Recap November 7 – November 12, 2016
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday November 7, 2016
India: Christianity Growing Despite Persecution
94-Year-Old Woman is Baptized, Says It’s Never too Late to Become a Christian
Christian Couple Denied Adoption of Foster Children Over Opposition to Homosexual Parenting
P.A. Sets its Sites on the Dead Sea Scrolls
Tuesday November 8, 2016
India: Christianity Growing Despite Persecution
94-Year-Old Woman is Baptized, Says It’s Never too Late to Become a Christian
Christian Couple Denied Adoption of Foster Children Over Opposition to Homosexual Parenting
P.A. Sets its Sites on the Dead Sea Scrolls
Wednesday November 9, 2016
Evangelicals Respond to Trump’s Victory
200 New Christian Converts are Baptized in Iran
Israel Looks Towards a Future with a Trump Presidency
Physician-assisted suicide approved in Colorado
Thursday November 10, 2016
Planned Parenthood Worried in Wake of Clinton Defeat
Islamists March in Jakarta, Demanding Christian Governor Be Jailed for Blasphemy
Thousands Petition Against ‘After School Satan Club’
Evangelicals And The Supreme Court: Why It May Have Swung The Election
Friday November 11, 2016
Satanist Sent to Destroy Church Ends up Coming to Christ
Man forced to flee his home after converting from Islam to Christianity
Iraqi Church Bells Ring Out after Being Liberated from ISIS
China Cracks down On Children Attending Church
Saturday November 12, 2016
Pakistani Christians Refused Entry into UK: ‘They Were Not Wealthy Enough’
Oklahoma Voters Reject Proposal to Allow Ten Commandments at State Capitol
Ministry in Iran Seeing Revival, Converts
Disney film portrays the work of a Christian humanitarian association
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