Christian News Weekly Recap Oct 5 – 10, 2020
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday Oct 5, 2020
The Bible Gets Translated into Its 700th Language
Archbishop warns of ‘total collapse’ in Nigeria
‘With God’s Help and Your Prayers, I Expect to Get Through This’: Greg Laurie Announces He Has COVID
Trump DOJ Sides with D.C. Church in Suit: ‘There Is No Pandemic Exception to the Constitution’
Tuesday Oct 6, 2020
Court rejects attempts to curtail street preacher’s ministry
Christian adoption agency can’t be shut down for refusing to place kids with gay couples: court
American Missionaries Shot Dead in Haiti: ‘We are Asking for Prayers’
Faith-Based film, I Still Believe, Nominated for 2 People’s Choice Awards: ‘We Are So Pumped’
Wednesday Oct 7, 2020
US Church to discipline bishop who refused to permit same-sex marriage blessings
Over 4 in 10 American Christians say Bible is ‘ambiguous’ on abortion
‘China Bans Faith for All Children’: Watch Jubilee Campaign Event at UN Human Rights Council
Thursday Oct 8, 2020
Pandemic could result in loss of faith in next generation, Barna researchers say
Pakistan Court Finally Acquits Christian Facing Death Penalty in Blasphemy Case
Christian Animator Attacked Online for Refusing to Draw a Transgender Flag
Kirk Cameron: ‘God’s people are asleep’ and He’s shaking us
Friday Oct 9, 2020
The Gospel has helped the integration of the Roma people
Three Young Christians Assaulted in Khartoum North, Sudan
Communist Officials Demand Churches Replace Crosses with Nation’s Five-Pointed Star
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Priest among hostages released by al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group in Mali
Facebook shuts down Christian ministry’s page with no explanation
Gospel artists and other Christians recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours List
Samaritan’s Purse volunteers help victims in the aftermath of Hurricane Laura
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