Christian News Weekly Recap October 24 – October 29, 2016
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday October 24, 2016
Iranian Pastor Imprisoned for Faith is Set Free
Obama Admin Appeals Nationwide Ban on Policy Allowing Male Students in Girls’ Restrooms
Students ‘Appalled’ by Catholic University’s Decision to Forbid Pro-Life Poster
Archaeologists Discover How Rome Defeated Jerusalem’s Defenses
Tuesday October 25, 2016
Tim Tebow Interview: ‘I Know Where My Identity Lies’
Historic Christian Town of Bartella Liberated from ISIS Control
Christian Forces Triumphantly Erect Crosses Atop Churches Retaken from ISIS, Ring Church Bells
Thousands of Christians From Around the World Gather in New York City for Movement Day
Wednesday October 26, 2016
Georgia Demands Pastor Surrender Sermons After Filing Federal Religious Discrimination Claim
Nigerian Middle Belt State: 800+ Christians Killed, 800+ Injured, 100+ Churches Destroyed
Rare Document Reveals 2,700-Year-Old Jewish Ties to Jerusalem
Doctors, states oppose HHS transgender mandate
Thursday October 27, 2016
‘Burial Slab’ of Jesus Christ Uncovered First Time in Centuries
Guatemalan prison guards, police gather to study the Bible
EU Parliament Votes To Protect Christians In Iraq After ISIS Is Defeated
Euthanasia In Belgium Increases By Over 40 Per Cent In Four Years
Friday October 28, 2016
LifeWay Stops Selling Jen Hatmaker Books Due to Her LGBT Support
ISIS Kidnaps Tens of Thousands to Use as Human Shields in Mosul
They Didn’t Think Their Faith Would Make Them Outlaws. They Were Wrong
Leaked Documents Reveal Chinese Gov’t Plan to Control, Disband House Churches
Saturday October 29, 2016
Christian Parents Sue After Being Told Daughter Could Be Taken Away for Not Letting Her Be Boy
Wheaton Releases Report on Handling of Professor Who Said Christians, Muslims ‘Worship Same God’
Pro-Palestinians Attack Students at Pro-Israel Event
The World Series Hero Rescued by Grace
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