Christian News Weekly Recap Sept 17 – 22, 2018
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday Sept 17, 2018
Samaritan’s Purse Aids Families in N.C. after Hurricane Florence Leaves Massive Damage
Russia’s Orthodox Church freezes ties with Constantinople over Ukraine spat
LGBT media outlets use ‘fake news’ to advance movement
Jihadists Hijacked His Christian Prison Ministry
Tuesday Sept 18, 2018
Around 1,500 celebrated life in front of the Swiss Parliament
China Forbids Children From Churches as Religious Rights Diminish
Fear of Ebola Keeps the Faithful at Home in Congo
Boko Haram Executes Aid Worker, Vows to Kill Christian Schoolgirl
Wednesday Sept 19, 2018
Two Christian Bus Passengers Executed After They Refuse to Recite Islamic Statement of Faith
Celebrated Australian atheist, political leader converts to Christianity at 85
Female ‘Bishop’ Claims Church of England Should Avoid Only Calling God ‘He’
The ‘Hill of the Bible’ aspires to four Guinness World Records
Thursday Sept 20, 2018
US Rep: Atheists trying to spy on Christian student groups
Most Millennials Believe the Bible Is ‘Just a Book’ – What This Group Is Doing About It
Over 250 Nigerian Christians Killed by Fulani Radicals in Two Months
Anne Graham Lotz Praises God, Prayers in Breast Cancer Surgery Update
Friday Sept 21, 2018
Michael Gungor Fully Embraced Atheism for a Year, Wife Lisa Says
Powerful: Aramaic Christian Delivers Compelling Presentation on Genocide in Arabic at the U.N.
Lifeway Christian Employees Say God Shielded Them from Shooting
‘Unplanned’ Movie: Planned Parenthood Ex-Director Has 1 Message for Cecile Richards
Saturday Sept 22, 2018
She Refused to Renounce Jesus, Islamic Terrorists Are Threatening to Kill This Christian Girl
Pastors in China Prepare to Lose Their Lives for Preaching the Gospel, Defying Communist Crackdown
15,000 children are waiting to find a foster family in Spain
Anne Graham Lotz Learns Her Cancer is Contained, Gives Glory to God
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